Why Does The Universe Exist?

Why Does The Universe Exist?

The Universe started at the Source of consciousness as a creation, but where did it come from, and who or what is the creator? The energy of creation and evolution comes from Source consciousness. 

The Source is the consciousness of infinity, which includes the Oneness of infinite energy, eternal life, intelligence, and wisdom. God is the description of Consciousness. 

Why was the Universe created? Imagine that the evolution of love happens during the physical experience of it. Namely, we can act out all the thoughts in our minds with physical experiences. 

The Source created life into matter so that Souls could experience emotions and love while in a physical body. In this way, life's journey happens, but is there another reason for the Universe? 

The Journey of Consciousness 

Change is the only constant in the Universe, and in this change, there is a powerful evolution of consciousness. The journey of consciousness is to spiritualize matter. 

Realize that we are multidimensional beings. The first step is to give matter life and live in a physical body. The next step is to evolve the human spiritual body. The final step is to bring the spiritualized physical body into the realm of consciousness. 

If a human can ascend with its physical body, its Spirit gets a physical body. 

Who knows how far consciousness will evolve? The journey of consciousness continues, and humans will evolve and eventually ascend into the spiritual realm with their bodies intact.

The movie Matrix shows that people live under a veil about life in the Universe. You could say they are asleep and must wake up to the truth. This lifetime is fleeting and ends quickly, while the unseen world is the eternal reality.  

When you think about this duality, you can separate yourself from your physical being. We do the same separation in our understanding of science and the Universe. Our scientific meaning of the Universe is that it’s everything that exists, and nothing exists outside of it.

We need a new understanding of the Universe.

If the Universe contains everything that exists, we must include all the levels or dimensions that make up the Universe, whether we can see them or not. So, if you believe in a Soul, consider that the Universe includes everything, including the Source that created it. 

That means our meaning of the Universe is incorrect. We must include the infinite realm that created the Universe as the whole pie instead of the small piece of pie we experience.

Our meaning of the Universe should include the science of the Universe and the Spirit that gives us life. Science and religion should be united in that one purpose, but I realize it’s deeper than that. Science and religion are institutions that are half-blind to the eternal energy that maintains the Universe. 

Matter does not evolve into consciousness. Consciousness has evolved into a Soul, which is inside you, experiencing the Universe. When you realize you are born with a Soul, the Matrix will dissolve, and you can give life to your dreams. 

Souls are part of God’s consciousness, so their movement into the Universe is a process of evolution. When souls evolve and move back into Spirit, their circle of evolution is complete.

Nikola Tesla said, "When mankind begins to study the nonphysical phenomena, we will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of existence." Now it’s time for you to do some serious thinking…

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About the Author Erik Lovin

Erik has a BSc degree and is a retired professional photographer who is now a published author of many books. His passion is understanding how life and the universe work. He is currently blogging about the science of the Big Bang and science in your life. Erik is helping his tribe with questions about the universe. His goal is to help find a theory of everything (TOE). In order to do that, he is trying to prove light has mass and that the fabric of spacetime is a false theory. We are welcoming questions and answers that you might have about the universe.

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