Archive Monthly Archives: December 2020

Freedom of Choice and Amber Alerts

Freedom of Choice and Amber AlertsDo we always have the freedom of choice? We love the word “Free” don’t we? We are born with free will to do whatever we want. But there are consequences to our

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Is Time Travel Possible in 2021

Is Time Travel Possible in 2021Time travel is a possible idea for human minds because our experience of time is personal but it’s not a reality. The energy of motion in the universe is the source of

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Believe This, Time is Moving Faster in 2021

Believe This, Time is Moving Faster in 2021   Time has been moving forward at a constant speed as long as we have kept records but I think time has been slowly moving faster since the late

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Covid Virus – Wow I Didn’t Expect Time to Change

Covid Virus - Wow I Didn’t Expect Time to Change    I didn’t expect time to change because of a virus but I’m not the only one that feels like the days are moving by faster.

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