Archive Monthly Archives: November 2020

The Energy of Life, Black Holes and Black Friday

The Energy of Life, Black Holes and Black Friday Black Friday is the last Friday in November, this year it was on November 27th. It’s called black Friday because retail stores have made enough

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COVID-19 and New Energy

COVID-19 and New EnergyThere’s a new kind of energy in our level (area) of the universe. Most of us have heard of the new coronavirus called COVID-19. Have you seen the news and heard how many people

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What Does the Universe Look Like

What Does the Universe Look Like   What does the universe look like with our eyes and with the largest most powerful telescope? The universe looks like a bubble of energy inside the infinite

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The Energy of Motion – And the Big Bang

The Energy of Motion - And the Big Bang   The motion of energy from the infinite Universe created our finite universe. Energy comes in many forms but what kind of dark-energy created the

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The Arrows of Time in the Universe

The Arrows of Time in the Universe    The Arrows of time in the universe gives us the experience that events always move forward. Can time stop or move backwards? Is the universe static

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