Archive Monthly Archives: December 2019

What is the Higgs Boson

What is the Higgs BosonThe Higgs Field is said to be a quantum field that exists everywhere in the universe but what is the Higgs Boson particle? The current understanding of physics suggests that

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Brain and the Mind

Brain and the Mind  You can only believe that which is possible “In Your Mind”The mind is what one uses to think with. The mind is nonphysical but the mind uses the physical brain to create

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Science and Religion Examined

Science and Religion ExaminedIs Religion a Science and is Science a Religion Are science and religion figure-out-able? Marie Forleo in her new book says Everything is Figureoutable. Today we will

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What is the Law of Life

What is the Law of LifeWhat is love and the law of life, where does it come from and how do we get the power of love? Is there a law of life?Love is one of those words that we misuse all the time, not

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Is the universe figure out able

Is the universe figure out able My goal is to help you learn about science so you can understand the universe even if you never went to a science class. I figure out how to explain things without you having

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Does God Exist

  Does God Exist Does God exist and what would a God do or look like? What science calls energy, religions call God.It’s almost laughable that people still believe in a personal God. A

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Einstein Was Wrong

Einstein Was Wrong The abstract if to show that science has been following the wrong idea of gravity. So far scientists don’t know what causes gravity but Isaac Newton’s laws say it is proportional

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