
The I Am Presence Explained

The I Am Presence Explained

The I Am presence means that we are living here and at the same time connected to our Soul. I Am or I Am that I Am, is another way to say that you recognize your soul connection.  Our spark of the soul is what makes us human and thus makes us descendants of the Spiritual Kingdom, (the Source of the Universe).

Anatomy of the Soul

The body has 4 parts, the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the spiritual body. 

Most of us are not aware of our soul connection but we have wondered if we have a soul cause we’ve seen movies that talk about the soul. 

When I was young I thought the bottom of my feet were souls (soles) haha…

But seriously, what is a soul and how does it work?

The spiritual body is our connection to our soul and ultimately to the Source of the universe. 

This spiritual body lives in our endocrine system and it houses our soul. 

Most of us have lost the ability to connect with our soul. 

It seems that many people have a veil, like in the movie The Matrix preventing access to it.

We have lived so many lives experiencing the various adventures of life that we have forgotten or entirely ignored that connection. 

We have become stuck here in physicality thinking this is all there is. 

The Spiritual Body has 7 energy levels called chakras attached to the physical body.

Speak to Your Soul 

If my Soul could speak does it speak like the ego?

The soul speaks in thoughts, like quiet sounds in the mind that are overpowered by the life of the ego while the eternal soul remains quiet? 

Who am I? While in this body I am physical with emotions and mind. 

The soul is part of your intuition that lives beneath the surface yet always willing to help you to notice spirit and soul. 

If you feel that there is more to life than what we have been told then you are on the right path.

The same questions we ask ourselves we ask about the universe, such as where did the universe come from? How did the universe appear from nothing?

Ask yourself the same questions. Where did you come from and what power keeps you alive and also takes away your life?

Now start to believe that this is the same power that created the universe and created us.

We have a lot to unlearn and more to learn about life and the Universe. 

Analogy of the Soul

Understanding how the Soul Works  

Let me give an example of what a soul does and how it works?

Even if you understand your soul follow this analogy to see what and whatnot it can do.

Computer’s Soul

The computer also has 4 parts, the physical body which is the size of the computer and the power supply.

The mental body is the RAM memory or brains of the CPU of a computer. 

The emotional body is the operating system, and it often comes with a chip on its shoulder.

Where is the spiritual body?

What a computer cannot do is turn itself on and enter commands because there is no physical operator.

The computer has no belief system, no intuition, and no purpose. 

It is not a living being with a soul connection to a higher self or to God. 

The soul of a computer is a person who tells the operating system what to do.

Do you see the difference? We can’t give a physical machine a soul that is nonphysical.

The apps or operating programs are made by humans with a soul. 

We are like gods to our mechanical (physical) creations we are the souls behind the things that we create.

Our Soul

I hope you realize that we don’t create souls and when we have a baby the nonphysical soul comes from the spiritual body connection not from the parents. 

Souls cannot create souls, this is how the order of intelligence and spirit works. 

The Soul is timeless and never dies, it is a tiny part of God living life in a veil of forgetfulness so that we can experience each lifetime in a new situation.

That means that humans are a creation from a source that gave us our nonphysical souls.

What that really means is even if we have free will we belong to a higher mind, a higher purpose and ultimately to the Source that created us. 

I know it sounds crazy and I don’t like to be a pawn even for God.

But we do have free will which gives us the freedom to believe or not to believe.

Ultimately you can say piss off I’m doing whatever I want. 

But the truth is you are a piece of your soul and it will claim you when the time comes.

You can’t escape this reality. 

When you go back to your Soul after each life you will have to judge your own heaven or hell. 

The only way to make a difference to your Soul is during your life now. 

You and Your Soul

Perhaps you want another example of how the soul works?

Your car or any vehicle has 4 parts, the physical body is the size and the power supply.

The mental body is the operating program that runs the engine.

The emotional body is attached to the steering wheel, the gas pedal, and the brakes. This emotional body is usually the driver’s responsibility.

As you can see the vehicle needs a driver. The vehicle sits waiting for a driver, it has no belief system, no intuition, no plans to move or do anything.

Your car has no spiritual body and no soul. It needs a driver with a soul.

Imagine your body is like a vehicle, it has no soul and it needs a driver just like your car, it sits there all day waiting for a driver. 

The Driver

Both of these systems, the car, and the computer need an operator or a driver. You can put a computer into a robot or car but you still need a driver that has a goal, a purpose, or desire.

The driver has a soul, mental powers of intelligence and free will to use the engine of evolution. 

Yes, we know that the car is only a vehicle and it needs a driver. 

The computer is also only a machine and needs an operator. 

What about our physical body who or what is the operator and driver? 

We can use a car as a vehicle for our bodies. 

Is our body a vehicle for the soul?

A computer is a tool for our mind and in the same way, our body is a vehicle for our soul.

We are not the vehicle we are not the computer or the mind. We are the one who uses the mind and we are the one who uses the body.

But the operating system comes from beyond our body and the driver that uses the mind and the body comes from another source as well.

The Operating System

As you can see the operating system for the computer and the car comes from a place outside of them. 

Also, the operating system for life itself comes from another source. 

Just like the operating system of the universe comes from outside of our known universe.

We do not program our bodies to keep the heart beating or to produce the cells that grow and replenish old cells. 

We live in a body that is our vehicle but the operating system comes from somewhere else.

We use our minds to learn and experience life but we are not the mind or the body. 

We are the ones using the mind and we are the ones using the body.

Think outside the body, think like spirit! 

Our Spiritual Driver

Using the mind and our intuition we should realize that we are more than human.

If you want to create a new game or make an apple pie from scratch, then first you have to create the Universe, said the scientist Carl Sagan.

Next, you have to create life and a vehicle.  

When you finally have a vehicle then and only then can you enter into a body to have a vehicle for your soul. 

Finally, you can think about making an apple pie from scratch...

Can you imagine, I am not my body I am not my mind I am not the software that gives my body life. 

I am the soul who uses this body, I am the one who thinks with my mind, I am the driver. 

I am the one using my engine of free will. I am my consciousness.

I am the I am presence, I am the soul.  

Last-minute Thoughts 

While I was writing this article I used an example from the movie The Matrix. It really opened my eyes that many people are living under a veil about life and the universe. 

You could even say they are asleep and need to wake up to reality.

This lifetime is fleeting and over quickly while the unseen world is the eternal reality.  

When I was thinking about this duality I realized that we separate ourselves from our true being and we do the same separation scientifically. 

What I mean is our scientific meaning of the universe is that it’s everything that exists. That the entirety of everything and anything is in this observable universe. 

We need a new definition of the Universe!

If the Universe contains everything that exists then we must include all the levels or dimensions that make up the Universe.

If you use the small letter for the universe it means this one dimension that we can see.

When you use the big letter for Universe it should include all parts and dimensions that exist whether we can see them or not. 

So if you believe in your soul you should believe in the Universe that includes everything. 

I find it frustrating when trying to explain the creation of the universe because there is a disconnect between science and spirit. 

I have written that science and religion should marry and join into one institution but now I realize it’s deeper than that.

Science and religion are man-made institutions that are half-blind to the eternal reality of our Source of creation. 

Until we come to accept that the Universe includes everything we are living an illusion underneath a Matrix.

That’s my 2 cents for today, it’s time for some more serious thinking…

Thanks for being here and as always be well and join my blog. 

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About the Author Erik Lovin

Erik has a BSc degree and is a retired professional photographer who is now a published author of many books. His passion is understanding how life and the universe work. He is currently blogging about the science of the Big Bang and science in your life. Erik is helping his tribe with questions about the universe. His goal is to help find a theory of everything (TOE). In order to do that, he is trying to prove light has mass and that the fabric of spacetime is a false theory. We are welcoming questions and answers that you might have about the universe.

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