A New Cosmology

A New  Cosmology

Forget everything you think you know about the Universe, because this new information on cosmology changes everything. We have followed old ideas that aren’t working. The math and the theories are getting more and more convoluted. Even Einstein has contributed to this cosmology that lacks a true foundation. Add Stephen Hawking to the list of poor information. I’m revealing a new theory to show how the Universe really works.

The beginning of a new paradigm of Cosmology

Science and Religion are Blind

I want to use a quote from Einstein. “He said “Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind.”

Scientists study the environment but only what can be seen and touched. They have no way to prove or disprove what they can not weigh or measure with their instruments.

So, they can only work with physical things like the Standard Model of Particles. They don’t believe in the unseen world that created the universe. In effect they are just as blind as religion.

What man calls science religions call god, is another way to point out the problem that prevents us from finding the truth.

Religion is guilty of trying to control the masses in order to keep them believing in stories that have no scientific proof. They want to continue to have the power and money that has kept them in business for 2000 years.

Religions have used your emotions to keep your ego attached to this ‘all mighty love’. But, what religions lack is process.

They don’t have any way to provide enlightenment and evolution of consciousness.

That would give the power back to people which isn’t in the best interest of the church. Looking at it this way I realize that religion is keeping us stuck to lack and fear and away from the truth. The truth is that there is abundance and nothing to fear.

What we need is a fresh look at what is the purpose of life and how to evolve into higher levels of consciousness.

In the Beginning

To start a new theory of the Universe we must begin from the source and answer the questions where did it come from and why was the Universe created.

The beginning started with a consciousness. A powerful mind that existed before anything else. We have called it God the source of everything.

God in the beginning was only thought without any dimension or life. This consciousness had a thought that it would be nice to have some company to interact with.

The thought manifested into creating an infinite amount of spirits. Each spirit had most of the same powers as God. These spirits played with each other until they came up with an idea to create a physical world.

Creation of spirits happened only one time so no new spirits can be created and spirits are eternal and never die.

After a universe was created they added life to their creation. Then they were so pleased with this physical world they wanted to experience it.

But try as they could they found that the low vibrations and dense matter didn’t allow high vibrating spirits to enter. It was like they couldn’t touch anything as the hand of spirit passed right through matter.

After the Universe was Created

The next step was creating lower forms of spirit called souls but souls were still too fine of an energy to experience physicality.

The souls which are a part of the spiritual kingdom lowered some of their energy into little pieces of soul. Let’s call them sparks of soul.

When animals such as Apes had enough brain capacity the spark of soul entered the animal and was able to experience the physical world.

After millions of years the spark of their soul got stuck in this physical world. So, it became a way to experience with a physical body and then report back after each lifetime what was learned.

In this way the experiences evolve and the information is filtered down to the souls, the spirits and finally to the source of everything.

To recap what happened. The Spiritual Kingdom created the Universe. Their soul spark lives inside each person. All the experiences are filtered back to source. Therefore the universe was created for us, by us and we are helping the evolution of consciousness by our experiences.

Tools to Create a Universe

The main tools to create the universe were the creation of lower energy dimensions. To decrease high frequency energy into lower forms it was stepped down into smaller more dense dimensions.

Spirits worked and designed the mechanics of creation. In order to experience their creation they had to create a soul level and a spark level for a human level of existence. Dimensions are tools used to create physical dimensions.

The first low energy physical dimension is the 6th dimension where souls can enter. The second level is the 5th dimension where Angels can enter.

Workers of Spirit added energy to the creations of matter to start the

Evolution or genesis of life.

The next 4th and 3rd dimensions are too low in energy to support the energy of a soul. The soul was divided into sparks of the soul that could experience life in humans.

To understand the process of creation you must understand that various dimensions (levels of energy) exist.

The Push of Energy

My new understanding is that energy from source was pushed out from the 9th non physical dimension and entered into the 6th physical dimension. This energy arrived into the lowest 3rd dimension in an unbelievable short time.

That means the Big Bang wasn’t the start of the Universe. It was more like a push of energy that was the start of the universe.

I will explain the whole process in my book and in future posts so follow me…

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Big Bang Science needs a complete overhaul

  2. Science and religion are both blind to the truth

  3. The mind of God created spirits

  4. Spirits created souls

  5. Souls created sparks of soul that are experiencing this universe

  6. Dimensions are tools needed to create a universe

  7. The big bang was a push of energy that ended up at the 3rd dimension

  8. More information will arrive soon

If you resonate with this new information I want you to be on my tribe of followers. I would like to encourage your dreams and confirm your thoughts that science of light will show us the Ultimate Truth. I care about you and hope you will join this journey into understanding science and light.

Your influence is greater than you can imagine!

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Thanks for being here. As always, be well.


About the Author Erik Lovin

Erik has a BSc degree and is a retired professional photographer who is now a published author of many books. His passion is understanding how life and the universe work. He is currently blogging about the science of the Big Bang and science in your life. Erik is helping his tribe with questions about the universe. His goal is to help find a theory of everything (TOE). In order to do that, he is trying to prove light has mass and that the fabric of spacetime is a false theory. We are welcoming questions and answers that you might have about the universe.

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