UFOs, Aliens, and Time Travel.
Have you ever wondered about the US government's knowledge of UFO activities? Recently, whistle-blower David Grusch unveiled evidence that has been kept in a covert facility since 1947.
The truth is that they have at least 12 UFOs stashed at a secret location, where they are deciphering the workings of these alien crafts. But what could be the real purpose behind these activities?
Their primary motive is to harness extraterrestrial technology for military purposes. This revelation raises profound questions about our collective priorities.
As a species, we are more concerned with power and control than freedom and abundance. The Chinese, too, have acquired UFO technology, potentially explaining their ability to undertake awe-inspiring construction projects worldwide.
Aliens and Area 51
It's mind-boggling to think about the number of UFOs witnessed worldwide. In 2022 alone, the National UFO Reporting Center in the United States documented 500 UFOs and over 5,000 sightings worldwide. Can you imagine how many more there were before smartphone technology?
In 1947, the US government was testing atom bombs in the desert, and a farmer nearby in New Mexico reported mysterious debris on his property. The military arrived and quickly removed the objects to Area 51, a secret military bunker in Nevada.
The government announced to the news media that the debris was from a weather balloon used during the testing of atom bombs. However, several people who worked at Area 51 have come forward and said that the object was a flying saucer-shaped disc containing four aliens.
The doctor who performed an autopsy described them as having grey, leathery skin. A video of the old doctor is on YouTube. He says they have a small mouth, ears, nose, large head, and eyes resembling a reptile.
Two of the aliens survived and were secretly kept at "Area 51" for many years until they died. According to whistleblower David Grush, six of the spacecraft at Area 51 are operational.
What are the Gray Aliens?
Reptilian creatures could be survivors of the dinosaur extinction 66 million years ago. They would have lived underground during the catastrophic extinction and evolved over millions of years into a humanoid body about four feet tall and slim with a large head. But does it make more sense that they are sophisticated artificial intelligent robots?
Following the 1947 Roswell incident, many flying saucer-shaped discs crashed. Let’s explain why a sophisticated intelligence would lose control of vehicles and crash.
Perhaps the spacecraft were so old that the pilots couldn't control them, or the engines were failing from lack of fuel. It’s possible that the numerous atom bomb tests in the area alerted them and caused the aliens to be too close to the explosions.
Using the same explanation, the electromagnetic fields from atomic explosions may have affected their navigation systems. And if the pilots were artificial robots, EMF radiation could similarly affect them.
Remember that they aren’t extraterrestrial beings. They’ve been on Earth longer than humans. Their home base is possibly under the Antarctic ice in caves where the temperature is tropical or deep in the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle.
They may even have the technology to change the temperature of Earth’s mantle to suit their needs, which causes Global Warming and wildfires. They may prefer less oxygen and more carbon dioxide, such as the conditions on Earth during asteroid impacts, volcanoes, and wildfires.
The live aliens captured in Roswell, New Mexico, suffered from breathing, and they were affected by electromagnetic fields in the same way a radio gets static noise near other machines.
If the Grays are organic, it makes sense that they need a specific type of atmosphere, but because they are affected by EMF fields, they may be AI robots or a combination of technologies.
The Grays are Kidnapping Humans
These reptilian aliens have kidnapped many people and performed experiments on them. It’s believed that they are curious about the human soul and would like to have the same ability to reincarnate instead of having only one lifetime.
Actress Shirley MacLaine believes in UFOs and witnessed them. I remember seeing her on a talk show, and she said she was kidnapped and interrogated on a spaceship. She has written several books about Spirituality and reincarnation.
Many people claim aliens have kidnapped them and that they had sex with them. Women reported that they even removed eggs from their ovaries. These accounts, if correct, outline the reason they were kidnapped.
It makes sense that the aliens are trying to learn about our Soul and reverse-engineer our ability to reincarnate. Maybe they are experimenting to see if they can use our DNA to get pregnant and deliver a type of human. If they succeed, they might kidnap more people and mass-produce human hybrid babies into their communities.
Another possible idea is that the Anunnaki or Atlanteans created the Reptilians as robots for manual labor and as pilots for their aviation industry. Elon Musk is currently perfecting the ability of autonomous-driving cars and AI robots.
However, they wouldn't have Souls like humans, and whenever they die or cease functioning, they can’t reincarnate like humans. Over millions of years, their numbers might be dwindling, and the reptilians might be losing the ability to reproduce.
When the previous Golden Age failed, The Atlantean technology was lost. But if the reptilians remained "alive," they became self-sufficient and evolved into an independent species. Can you see where I'm going with this? It's similar to the Terminator movie series…with a twist.
This is pure science fiction, but what if? Why do we have the reptilian fight-or-flight survival instinct? Are we related somehow? Did humans create the machines, or did the aliens make humans? Do the Grays want to be like humans or to wipe humans off the planet? Just kidding…
Alien Reptilian Agenda, Good or Bad
The Galactic Federation is an extraterrestrial group of like-minded souls monitoring alien activity around Earth, including that of the Grays. The Reptilian agenda involves their evolution of life or death. If this idea has any merit, then it could get ugly.
Could the disappearance of Flight MH370 be a mass abduction? The Boeing 777, which was carrying 239 people, disappeared in March 2014. Many scientists, including Tong Soon Lee and 20 members from the U.S. technology firm Freescale Semiconductor, were on the flight. Freescale/NXP makes powerful microchips for industries and the US defense department. The plane also had many skilled scientists and artists.
Satellite imagery shows three balls of light surrounding the plane. If these UFO lights belonged to the reptilians, it would change everything we know about the aliens. They could have lived on Earth under the Antarctic ice for thousands or millions of years.
The scenario could be that the Grays have trouble reproducing and must solve this problem or slowly go extinct. Another idea is that they are trying to stop our evolution by using Artificial Intelligence. We can only guess what their motives are.
The main thing is that these aliens exist and were here long before our civilization. This changes everything about our history on Earth. Did we have a war with them in ancient times? Why are they hiding from us? Are we related? Many questions need answers. Is humanity ready for the truth?
Some people believe the Earth is flat. What would they think when spaceships land, and aliens reveal themselves? Keep an open mind and realize one crucial truth: we are Souls and will always exist.
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