
The Passenger In Your Mind

Examining Self-Awareness.

People have food and emotional cravings and need air, water, and food to survive. But do we need chocolate? If eating chocolate is the answer to wanting chocolate, you would have had your fill of chocolate. Why do you still want chocolate or whatever else you crave? 

Consider it's your mind that craves it. If your mind wants chocolate, how much chocolate has your mind eaten? Does your mouth want chocolate? Does your body want chocolate? No, it's your mind that craves it. But your mind isn't being fed chocolate, so the ego mind is never satisfied. However, you seem to be satisfied because you think your body and your mind belong to you. 

Then, ask yourself, does your body and mind belong to you? Then, who are you? Does another 'You' exist? Imagine that you are not the body or the mind. Instead, you are in the body and the mind. You are aware of having consciousness. 

When you are self-aware, you realize you are separate from your body and mind. Your higher mind is your consciousness. Your ego mind is the driver of the body, and you are a passenger in the body. 

The physical world is a matrix of duality. What we see and experience includes the good, the bad, and the duality of everything. Duality can be ugly when we struggle with the meaning of life. Who is experiencing your journey of life? Your body starts to age, and your thoughts about getting older are justified. But it's just your ego's opinion.

Everyone has an Opinion.

Do you notice that something in you never seems to age? You and your soul have different ways of thinking. Your opinion matters to you... Right or wrong, you don't depend on someone else's opinion. But opinions were taught to you by parents, teachers, or friends. The fact is you believe your opinion is true. However, your belief is an opinion and not a truth. You probably don't know if your opinion is true. When you know without belief, then your opinion becomes your truth. Wisdom comes from understanding your truth at the level of your higher consciousness. 

Your Multidimensional Entangled Mind

How can you find out your truth? Ask yourself questions and wait for the answers… Let me explain. Today, take a moment and focus on inner silence and awareness of thought. Notice your thoughts are not under your conscious control. You may have difficulty stopping a stream of thoughts running through your mind as you try to sleep, which is why meditation is difficult. Call it meditation or awareness, but when it's performed, you get a deeper understanding of life and feel disconnected from your physical body. 

Meditation can make us aware that we are multidimensional and separate from our bodies. The physical body contains our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. The spiritual body is often called our intuition, soul, or gut feeling, but it's much more complex than we imagine. 

When we use our imagination or religious beliefs, we can entertain the idea that the universe was created from the realm of God. God and the Source of energy is not in the universe, so our Soul lives in a spiritual realm. That's mind-boggling and sounds “spooky.” How is it remotely possible that we are connected to a dimension outside of the universe? 

You don't need to know that your soul enters the physical body from another realm. Moreover, when we die, we transition back to the source of our primary Soul. This connection is activated by the spooky force of entanglement, which has been scientifically proven to exist. Entanglement is the connection between two energy states and doesn't depend on distance or time. The Soul is always connected to your body and the Source. Whenever the Soul travels between the two states, it's almost an instantaneous energy exchange. It enters you during birth and returns after your lifetime ends.

The knowledge of this connection to your higher self depends on the level of your awareness of consciousness. In other words, your awareness of consciousness depends on how strongly you are connected to your inner soul. Your soul is always present and waiting for you to recognize and give it your attention.

You can sit quietly, focus awareness on your breathing, and search for the truth within, as the truth is within you. You have a soul, and it wants your attention. Attention is always accompanied by awareness. Be aware of your physical and spiritual body. Eventually, you will become aware of the difference between believing and knowing the truth.

The Soul is a Passenger in Your Vehicle

Your body has four parts: the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the spiritual body. Let's examine the spiritual part, which includes the soul. Using the power of thought: Think outside the box, outside your body. Think like an empowered soul to become the I Am Presence. Admonish that you are the I Am.

Free will is the engine of evolution, which allows us to do what we want whenever we want because that's our engine of power. Yet, we don't do what we want because we believe our actions have negative consequences. The judgment of others is trivial, but it's really about how we judge ourselves. 

We talk about becoming a better person, a more compassionate, loving, and understanding person, yet we rarely think that our belief systems and souls are evolving. Consider that your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are separate parts. You should realize that the spiritual part comes from outside of your body. Just like the Big Bang came from outside the Universe. 

Is Artificial Intelligence Intelligent?

The soul has intelligence from the spiritual kingdom, and we can compare the soul to a computer or artificial intelligence. A computer has four parts: the physical part or body, such as the size, color, and power supply. The programs or apps that we use depend on our emotional reasons. The keyboard or touch screen accepts our commands, and the operating system has a chip on its shoulder like an ego. However, it doesn't have a belief system or a soul and doesn't do anything until an operator turns it on and enters a command. A computer and artificial intelligence has an operating system built for the purpose of helping humans. They are tools for humans to use.

Consider your car or any vehicle. It has a physical body, such as size, color, engine, fuel, etc. We use the controls for steering, gas for power, and brakes to stop, and the operating system allows the engine to run smoothly. However, it doesn't have a driver or an operator to run the vehicle. It doesn't move or do anything until you use it. It needs an operator who has a purpose for using it.

The car and the computer need a driver. You can install artificial intelligence into a machine, but it needs someone with consciousness to use it, and how you use it is up to you. Your free will is your engine of power, but a machine has no soul or reason to function. Yes, you know that the car is only a vehicle that needs a driver. The computer is only a machine and needs an operator. However, who is the operator of your life? 

A car is a vehicle for your body, a computer is a tool for your mind, and in the same way, your body is a vehicle for your soul. Your soul is not the body, computer, or the mind. Your soul is the one who uses the mind and the body. Your operating system comes from beyond the body, and the passenger that uses your mind comes from the same source.

The operating system for a computer and a car comes from somewhere outside of them. The operating system for life itself comes from the Source of all energy. You don't program your body to keep the heart beating or to produce the cells to grow and replenish old cells. You live in a body that is your vehicle, but the operating system comes from somewhere else. You use your mind to learn and experience life, but you are not the mind or computer. You are the one using the mind and the body. You are not who you think you are. You are not the ego mind. You are a soul.

The Soul Speaks To Your Intuition

Imagine your Soul speaking to you, "I am the I Am Presence, I am a soul. I speak in thoughts and quiet sounds in your mind that are overpowered by your ego's thoughts. I am not affected by your ego mind. I live inside your body and use your mind. I am the one experiencing your engine of free will. I am your consciousness. When you believe that you are more than your body, pay attention to me, and decide who is the passenger in the body, the ego or me." When you know you have a soul and a purpose, you will give more attention to your passenger's voice. Your mission, if you accept it, is to find your purpose. Namaste.

Thank you for following my newsletter, in which I examine the Science in Your Life, including the evolution of consciousness. I hope you had an enlightened or eureka moment when you felt your soul’s presence. Join me next week. Take care and stay young. 


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About the Author Erik Lovin

Erik has a BSc degree and is a retired professional photographer who is now a published author of many books. His passion is understanding how life and the universe work. He is currently blogging about the science of the Big Bang and science in your life. Erik is helping his tribe with questions about the universe. His goal is to help find a theory of everything (TOE). In order to do that, he is trying to prove light has mass and that the fabric of spacetime is a false theory. We are welcoming questions and answers that you might have about the universe.

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