The Anunnaki, an extraterrestrial race, migrated from their dying planet to Earth and settled in a continent called Mu, short for Lemuria. There, they established a civilization of awe-inspiring technological advancement, with spaceships and airplanes that would captivate the imagination.
However, their misuse of these powers led to a tragic downfall. The golden age of Lemuria came to a heart-wrenching end when their continent sank into the South Indian Ocean.
The surviving members migrated to various locations, including the Giza plateau in Egypt and an island continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, isolated from other native and primitive peoples.
Thousands of years later, the residents of Atlantis were ready for a golden age using the same Scientific Priesthood government. Again, they misused their power for personal gain, and the continent of Atlantis was "swallowed" by the Earth.
The Younger Dryas event caused the continent of Atlantis to sink. After the earthquakes and movements of the Earth's tectonic plates, many areas fell into the abyss, leaving a small island called Poseidon.
The Atlanteans obtained technology from extraterrestrial sources far ahead of our modern age. They had aircraft that could fly at hypersonic speeds into space, travel underwater, and even move into the earth. Their technology explains how they could cut large stone blocks and make foundations as if they were molded together.
Gods of Atlantis and Greece
What does Atlantis share with the Titanic and Titan submersible that imploded on June 17, 2023? The mysteries in the oceans share a common myth. Myths often explain some aspects of nature to account for human actions. Myths also frequently include a biological change in shape and form.
The myths of Atlantis tell that creatures, half animal and half human, were created. The Sphinx is a famous example of a mythological creature created by altering DNA. The Greek god Poseidon, the god of the sea, is best known for holding a trident, a three-pronged spear.
He's also known as the god of earthquakes, storms, and horses; his Roman counterpart was Neptune. It's believed that Poseidon invented horses as the world's most beautiful animal. Thus, he's connected to introducing the horse, and there's evidence that Poseidon was worshiped as a horse.
When the continent of Atlantis sank, only the island of Poseidon remained. The ruler of Poseidon, who was believed to be a significant figure in Atlantean mythology, became known as Poseidon, the horse god, similar to the astrology symbol of Sagittarius. Poseidon is still worshiped today in modern Hellenic religion. The Greek government has recognized the worship of Greek gods since 2017, further cementing the enduring legacy of the Atlanteans and their connection to Greek mythology.
The historical timeline of Greek and Egyptian gods needs to be studied because the modern history of humans is limited to 5,500 years. The supernatural animals from Poseidon existed over 12,000 years ago, and the Atlantean history from the past precedes the modern era of written history. We have yet to learn that human society predated modern civilization.
Mythical Creatures From Atlantis
Other famous creations from Atlantis were mermaids. When the continent of Atlantis sank, the mermaids must have survived as a new species because mermaids are part of folklore and have been witnessed in every country bordering on a sea. Poems, songs, and movies are famous, portraying a creature half fish and half woman.
What's the difference between a mermaid and a siren? Sirens are usually deadly creatures associated with enchanting melodies, whereas mermaids are not threatening. In the Disney animated film The Little Mermaid, Ariel is based on a familiar fairy tale of a young mermaid who wishes to become human and join the world above water. Sirens are supernatural creatures having strange wings, but they have much in common with mermaids. Sirens, on the other hand, have evil intentions.
One of the oldest legends of sirens comes from ancient Greek mythology. In Book XII of Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus was warned of the sirens he would encounter on his sea journey back to Ithaca. Odysseus was curious as to what the sirens would sing to him, and so, to stop himself from being lured by the sirens and turning off course into their shallow, rocky waters, he had the sailors plug his ears with beeswax and tie him to the mast.
Odysseus ordered his men to leave him tied tightly to the mast, no matter how much he might beg. When he heard their beautiful song, he ordered the sailors to untie him, but they bound him tighter. When they had passed out of earshot, Odysseus demonstrated with his frowns to be released.
Atlantis in the Bermuda Triangle
Myth or fact? Are the ruins of Atlantis in the Bermuda Triangle? The Bermuda Triangle area is close to where the continent of Atlantis is said to have sunk into the deep Costa Rica Trench. Many have asked, "Does Atlantis exist at the bottom of the ocean, and are the Sirens still causing shipwrecks?" If they exist, the Sirens may need men to increase their population. Stranger things have been proposed. Considering how friendly dolphins are to humans, are they friends of the mermaids from Atlantis?
The Lost City of Atlantis is one of the most popular tourist attractions on the island of Bimini, east of Miami, because of the mystery surrounding Atlantis. In the 1930s, an American psychic named Edgar Cayce announced that he had spoken with someone who lived in the City of Atlantis in a former life. This "Atlantean" told Cayce that Atlantis existed near Bimini. Cayce predicted that portions of the temples of Atlantis would become visible near Bimini in 1969. A private pilot reported seeing a strange parallel structure in shallow water. Many believed these were walls from Atlantis or a mysterious road leading to Atlantis. So, the mystery of the Atlantis Road was born.
These underwater rock formations consist of an 800-meter-long road composed of rectangular limestone blocks. It's a tourist attraction where you can see colorful aquatic life. But if you are a man, swim at your own risk because this is the same area where the famous Flight 19 squadron and a rescue boat of 14 men went missing. Men must use caution in this area. Maybe the Sirens and Mermaids still exist.
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